martes, 4 de septiembre de 2018

The date

English Land
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In English, ordinal numbers are used (first, second, third, etc.) to express the dates, unlike the Spanish in which the cardinal numbers are used (one, two, three, etc.).

Today is the 2nd of June / hoy es el 2 de junio

To express the days we use the preposition 'on'. Instead, to express months or years the preposition 'in' is used.

You came on the 12th of May / viniste el 12 de mayo
You came in May / viniste en mayo
You came in 1995 / viniste en 1995

In English, unlike Spanish, the months and days are written with a capital letter.

March / marzo                Monday / lunes

The days of the week are:

Sunday / domingo    Monday / lunes    Tuesday / martes    Wednesday / miércoles
Thursday / jueves    Friday / viernes    Saturday / sábado

The months of the year are:

January / enero    February / febrero    
 / marzo    April abril    
 mayo June junio    July / julio    
 / agosto    September / septiembre October / octubre    November noviembre    

December / diciembre

The seasons of the year are:

spring primavera    summer / verano
autumn (U.K.) fall (USA) / otoño    winter / invierno

Normally, dates are written in the following order: month / day / year

June, 20th 1997 / 20 de junio de 1997        March, 3rd 2001 / 3 de marzo de 2001

We can omit the letters of order (-st, -nd, -rd, -th)

September 2, 1999 / 2 de septiembre de 1999

We can abbreviate the names of the months:

Jan / enero    Feb / febrero....

As in Spanish, dates can only be written with numbers referring month, day and year. In this case, keep in mind that the USA date format is month / day / year while the U.K date format. (Great Britain) is, as in Spanish, day / month / year

June 20, 1999 USA = 6/20/1999 UK = 20/6/1999

Some other related terms:

date = fecha    calendar calendario        weekday día de la semana
working-day = día laborable        holiday festivo (holidays = vacaciones)

Resultado de imagen para imagenes de the date en ingles

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